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Danse Forró

Le Forró est certainement la danse populaire à la fois la plus sensuelle et la plus joyeuse du Brésil.

D’origine rurale issu de la région “Nordeste”, le Forró s’est répandu dans tout le Brésil à partir des années 1960, emmené dans les grandes villes par les mouvements de populations internes. Dansé dès lors dans les bars et les caves, les étudiants se l’approprient, y ajoutant des composantes de danses latines ou autres, comme le pas mambo et les passes de la salsa, ou les changements de bras du rock. Le Forró est d’abord une musique – du même nom – jouée à l’accordéon, qui souligne bien son origine populaire, au triangle, au zabumba (percussion) et au pandeiro (tambourin).

C’est une danse chaleureuse qui génère une véritable ferveur, une danse de couple qu’on pratique par amour de la technique chorégraphique et/ou pour la drague, une danse de bal où cavaliers et cavalières s’invitent mutuellement et où débutants et aguerris se côtoient sans chichi.

How Sarah became FORRÓ ...

Sarah fell in love with forró while living in Milan and she hasn’t looked back since. Building on her experience in sports and language education, Sarah launched and started to teach forró classes in Brussels in 2014. She now teaches regular classes across multiple levels and two cities, as well as travelling all over Europe and occasionally beyond to teach at workshops and festivals. She is also one of the founders of the Be Forró association in Brussels, working to serve the growing forró community in the city.


Sarah’s belief that a teacher should be forever an enthusiastic student has led her to study with many teachers and dancers, both within forró and beyond (samba de gafieira, tango, body percussion, and more…) In particular, her initial work and partnership with Ricardo Ambrózio shaped her vision of forró, and more recent studies with Sheila Santos have significantly enriched her approach and methodology. Beyond these two crucial influences, Sarah has been privileged to be able to teach and study with many other talented teachers which has broadened her horizons and skills as both leader and follower…suite plus bas

... suite ...

This desire to learn and share her knowledge also resulted in the creation of the Encontro Pedagogico in 2017 in collaboration with Emilie Gasia. This is an annual meeting of forró teachers to collaboratively discuss and enhance the quality of their work. In parallel Sarah has created the Projeto Monitores to develop assistants and future teachers here in Brussels – meet the team below!


Sarah’s classes emphasise the importance of presence, connection with our partner and musicality. Musicality has in fact been one of the focal points in her teaching and research for many years now and has become one of the most requested topics from festival and workshop organisers. In the classroom, she also prides herself on (trying to!) achieve that oh-so-delicate balance between technique and creativity, precision and freedom, focus and fun.


  • Jeudi

    18.00 - 21.00

    Salle Nord


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